Gender Pay Gap Reporting

James Williams

The Government Equalities Office (GEO) has published new statutory guidance for employers on gender pay gap reporting. The GEO has updated the format of its previous guidance to make it clearer and simpler, locate it in one place on GOV.UK, and remove any unnecessary duplication and repetition. The GEO advises that there have been no changes to factual content.

The new guidance is set out as follows:

Source: GEO: Statutory guidance: Gender pay gap reporting: guidance for employers (27 February 2023).

James Williams – Solicitor

James Williams

I am a qualified Employment Law and HR Solicitor. I specialise in acting for schools and advise on all aspects of employment law and HR including attending employee meetings, advising senior leaders, conducting redundancy consultations, drafting contracts of employment, advising on policies and procedures and negotiating settlement agreements.