On 10 December we hosted a webinar and were joined by Helen Lumb and Arati Patel-Mistry from the DfE Engagement Team. If any school or college has a question about the RPA please contact or and they will be happy to assist.
A link to the slides from the webinar is here:-
RPA Slidepack- Autumn Term 2021
There is also a very useful comparison document to help schools who are considering the RPA, compare their existing insurance:-
RPA Comparison Document
What is the Risk Protection Arrangement (RPA)?
The RPA is not an insurance scheme but is a mechanism through which the cost of risks will be covered by government funds. It is a voluntary arrangement that was launched in September 2014 for all academies, however, as a result of the success of the scheme it was extended to ALL Local Authority Maintained Schools from 1st April 2020.
Which schools can join RPA?
Any school can join, including all Local Authority Maintained Schools, academies, community schools, voluntary aided, foundation and foundation special schools, voluntary controlled schools, nursery schools, community special schools and pupil referral units.
Catholic schools are eligible to join the RPA. We are aware that the Dioceses of Shrewsbury and Birmingham have both confirmed they are content to allow Catholic schools to join RPA and there is no requirement to remain with the Catholic Insurance Service.
What does it cover?
RPA provides a host of cover including buildings and contents insurance, employers liability, governors liability, personal accident and much more. It also provides Employment Tribunal award and legal cost cover for up to £100,000 per school per year in the event of an employment tribunal claim.
How much does it cost?
The cost of RPA is currently £19 per pupil paid via GAG funding. The DfE has confirmed that the latest analysis based on 2018-19 data published on 13 December 2019 indicated that the annual spend per pupil in the LAMS sector was £41 per pupil. Therefore, there is a potentially significant cost saving for LAMS schools.
Further details
Further information from the DfE is available here – The risk protection arrangement (RPA) for schools